Epic Games' Early Access Game Fortnite: A Fun and Clever Mix That Will Take Up More Time Than You Think
So, someone who has no idea that I am some sort of Internet blog-journalist-gamer-reviewer (I like to mix genres, okay) gave me a free key for the Early Access of a new game from Epic Games, Fortnite . It's a... game where you gather materials, build forts, and then defend them from zombies. You also attach weather balloons to vans, build possibly alien technology to combat zombies, and power things with blue goo. And I thought I liked to mix genres.... Anyway, the game is fun, and does not take itself particularly seriously. Except in the excellence of the mechanics. Building is fluid and simple, the harvesting mechanic is fun, the heroes and survivors all look different and interesting, and shooting/stabbing/burning/launching zombies is just as much fun as you think it will be. The only thing I do not like is the minimap, which can be very confusing especially when searching for mission items in a party. It's possible I am just directionally...