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Review: Soulworker, or, Welcome to the Grind

Soulworker is an anime action brawler, created by Lion Games and published by GameForge.  Set in a post-apocalyptic purgatory, you play one of (currently) four young schoolchildren who fell from the real world into the world of Soulworker.  The tutorial gives you the setting, which varies slightly for each character, and then moves you to the first hub area.  From there, you begin questing so you can get gear so you can do harder quests for more gear and to progress the story, using energy every time you enter a quest area.  The combat is a lot of fun, but if you're unwilling to pay - the current in-game economy is beyond ridiculous, and the premium currency is wildly overpriced - the game gets very grindy.

The characters are the different classes, and the character designs are all very charming, even if they go a bit far on the 'females are to be looked at' side.  There's Haru, a broadsword wielding pre-med student who is apparently allergic to things covering her knees.

Erwin, the typical anime Prince who is a genius lover and fighter with unimaginable wealth and power, but who has a decently respectful attitude towards women and doesn't actually want to be taken seriously.  He uses guns!

Lilly, the tsundere pyscho scythe wielding anger issues maniac with a desire for vengeance that can only be satisfied by slicing her enemies up, all while wearing a really short skirt and fancy clothes.

And finally, Stella.  The one who is under 12, possessed, and fights with a guitar.  Yep.  A guitar.  It shoots music and ghosts.  She is also allergic to long clothing, but doesn't have an actual upskirt move like Haru does.

Haru, Erwin, Stella, and Lilly
Yes, there are three female leads (one being definitely underage) and only one male option.  Erwin requires much more effort to play well.  The females are all much easier.  It's like they want you to play the females so you can dress them up!  Incidentally: Haru has no options currently to wear pants.  None.  It's all short skirts and hotpants.  She has some stockings, but no pants.  Lilly and Stella both have (skin-tight) pants.  Erwin is the only one who can wear jeans.  Hey, GameForge, if you're reading this?  I'd kill to put Haru into a decent pair of khakis!  Or some jeans!  Anything.  I'd also love to play a melee male character.

The game is definitely worth testing out (it's free!) but unless something is done to balance the economy and the other game systems, it won't do very well.  (Have you learned nothing from Aion, GameForge?)

Some tips:

  • Avoid the in-game marketplace.  Selling on the marketplace is a loss unless you are selling something really expensive (it costs 3000 dzenai, the in-game currency, to list an item - and you don't get that back).
  • Walk up to the spammers, click on them, and then right click to block.  Take your time, spammers don't move.
  • Rerun lower level areas for drops until you are fully geared (duh).  Don't take hard mode quests unless you are really, really confident - and even then you will die because hard mode is overtuned.  Maniac is even worse.
  • Resist the urge to spend money on the game.  But feel free to buy me something!  ^_^  No, seriously, the exchange rate and the buying power of Soulworker's premium currency is way out of whack. Unless you really like spending hundreds of dollars on ephemeral goods, in which case, no, really, buy ME something.  :D


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